About me
Good Day 🙂
I am a nature photographer from the Netherlands living in Leiden together with Andrea and our beautiful son Gido.
It was in 2008 that I started “shooting” pictures (with a compact camera) for the first time. Soon afterwards I bought my first DSLR. And after travelling to many beautiful countries (including my own) nature and photographing nature really got a hold on me.
Currently, my toolbox contains Nikon Z system camera’s and Nikon Z lenses ranging from 20mm to 600mm. I also use some vintage lenses which I mainly use for creating images of flowers.
Piece of advise: master your tools so you are ready to carve your own images by letting your creativity flow freely. Don’t bother yourself with what others might think of your images. Do what you like and feel is best. Creating images and enjoying nature at the same time should in the first place be a fun and beautiful experience.
Allow yourself to be inspired by other nature photographers but always listen to your own inner voice. Only then your own personal signature will emerge.
I hope my images may inspire you.
Warm regards
Gerard Leeuw